For the full terms of the license refer to license.txt in the root of the source distribution. This program is Free Software distributed under the GNU GPL, version 3. Thanks to Phoenicks on the Bored Aussie forums for ad blocking patch and 1.25b game.dll offset. Thanks to Google Chrome developers for DEP disabling method. Thanks to Keres on the PvPGN forums for releasing fixes and updates, and to all who helped test and debug this release there. Thanks to ACiD for their 1.18a patch and source, to phatdeeva and gr11x for the initial work on the new patch, to Rupan for the C port of w3l.asm, the posting of the ACiD patch source, and various fixes to the source, to the PvPGN and bnetd contributors, and to Blizzard for making such a fantastic game. * Delay reduction can be controlled by file latency.txt * Fixed DEP bug with wc3 1.24 and Windows 7. * Remove tons of CRT code to reduce executable size * Allows connect to official BNet through GProxy If you have problem with w3l, download debug version of loader, use it and send bugreport at Changelog If you want SRP3 support you'll need to rebuild the DLL with USE_SRP3 enabled in patches.h or download *_SRP3.zip package. The included release is built with the "old" Starcraft-style hash code. (Google anti phishing detects virus false-positive for some archives, because of that they are encrypted) If your antivirus blocked w3l.exe file, go to antivirus options, unlock/restore it, and put it on the safe list. Some antiviruses can to display warning messages for w3l.exe file and blocking it because of false positive.If you connect to while running w3l.exe, you risk getting your cd-key banned.To play in windowed mode, run 'w3l.exe -window'.To play RoC when you have TFT expansion installed, run 'w3l.exe -classic'.If wrong value is set or file is missed, delay value will be set to 100 ms. The proper delay value lies between 30 and 255. You can set delay value in file latency.txt.

Run 'war3.exe' when you want to connect to.Run 'w3l.exe' when you want to connect to a PvPGN server.Place both w3l.exe, w3lh.dll and wl27.dll into your Warcraft III directory.This software patches Warcraft III to enable connections to PvPGN servers.